Fleur de Lys photos

Epee demo, Bastille Day Celebration, Seattle Center
The Club gave a fencing demonstration at the 2010 Bastille Day Celebration held at Seattle Center.

Thanks to David and his phone, we are able to provide video clips of the different weapon demonstrations:

Foil demo with Kiet and Mahlon (Quicktime, 35 MB)
Saber demo with Tim and Mike (Quicktime, 23 MB)
Épée demo with Robin and Patrick (Quicktime, 11 MB)

Pat Reeves leads drills
Pat leads the group in footwork drills 

Bon Bernard
Bon passes on some sage advice at a tournament

Pat Reeves
Pat addresses a body cord issue 

Nathan H., Brian C., Kiet L., and Nicole B. stand victorious

Team Epee
Theresa R., Bon B., and Nicole B., the 2007 FdL epee team at the Ray Coates Memorial Team Tourney

Team Foil
Three reprobates who somehow managed to come home with medals from the 2007 Ray Coates Memorial Team Tourney (foil)

The Clubhouse
An evening of fencing is capped off with a visit to the clubhouse
(Rod and Pat pictured)

Photo Gallery

Thanks to Theresa, Bon, and all the other club members that have contributed to the gallery!